Find freedom from chronic pain

Up to 28 million adults in the UK live with chronic, unexplained pain, causing huge suffering and sometimes permanently disrupting their lives.

If you are experiencing this, you are not alone!

Does this resonate?

  • Has your pain persisted beyond the normal course of healing?
  • Did it seem to come out of nowhere?
  • Does your pain seem to move around, or happen symmetrically?
  • Does your pain change with your stress levels?
  • Does it get triggered by sounds or smells?
  • Does your pain disappear sometimes?
  • Have you experienced long-term stress, or trauma, in your life?
  • Have your doctors done all the tests and told you they can’t find any cause for your pain?
If this sounds familiar, then I might be able to help you!
Zélie Cleaver, pain recovery specialist, smiling at the camera, on a sunny day outdoors with green foliage in the background.

Let me support your recovery.

I am a SIRPA Practitioner, psychology graduate, counsellor and Breathworks teacher, and am experienced in guiding people through their recovery process to discover a life free from chronic pain. 

After suffering with Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome for many years, I finally found an approach to working with chronic pain which resolved my symptoms and gave me my life back. Now I have the privilege of enabling others to do the same! 

“Zélie gave me the space, empathy and tools to manage my emotions in a safe, healthier way. As I started to trust the process and continued to practise the skills and techniques Zélie had taught me the pain started to dissipate from 10, which was very painful to 0 (no pain). Yes, the pain returns at times when I am feeling stressed or tired. The difference now is that I have the skills to manage it. I did not need to have a hip replacement and I don’t have to take the painkillers anymore.”

Fundamentals of my approach

Your pain is real

Just because the pain is real, it doesn’t mean that it’s caused by structural or tissue damage. Your brain is causing pain in response to something it perceives to be threatening. 

If you have chronic symptoms which medicine cannot explain, your pain might be ‘neuroplastic pain’. 

Stress and trauma impact symptoms

Some stress is good for you because it keeps you engaged with the important and enjoyable things in life. But research is showing how chronic stress or traumatic events impact the nervous system, causing it to become hyper-vigilant and over-protective.

If our nervous system doesn’t return to balance, this can increase the amount of pain we experience and make it more likely to become chronic. 

Our mind and body can heal!

Our brains are ‘neuroplastic’ – they have the ability to develop new neural (thought) pathways. Chronic pain is caused by learned neural pathways in the brain, formed in response to stressful or traumatic situations. 

This means that with the right tools, we can teach our brains to form new pathways which can help us to recover from chronic pain.

What conditions do I work with?

I work with many types of pain, as long as you have been checked out by your doctor and any underlying structural issues have been ruled out. My approach has been successful in treating:

  • Back pain
  • Knee pain
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Jaw pain
  • Chest pain
  • Hip pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pelvic pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

“It’s so incredibly helpful on so many levels when you know somebody gets it and has the skills to help and guide you through your journey”


Book a discovery call to ask me any questions and see if you would like to work together. 

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